Silvano Garcia Dulce Moscatel Spain 500ml
Silvano Garcia Dulce Moscatel Spain 500ml
Moscatel is a natural sweet wine made from late harvest Moscatel grapes, it has a lovely colour with an intense and enticing aroma of fresh fruits. On the palate, it is yellow with lemon tones and aromas of white flowers and roses with delicate notes of citrus, honey and spices.
We are facing a pale yellow wine with golden reflections. In terms of aromas, they are intense, with hints of orange blossom honey, characteristic of the Muscatel variety.
Fruit aromas, such as peach, apricot, are present, as well as white flowers. A subtle toasted aroma is also perceived.
On the palate it is magnificent, with hints of jam, with a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity. It is dense, unctuous, enveloping and with a very long persistence.
It is ideal as a dessert wine or to combine it with a cheese board.